Friday, November 30, 2012

Baby Animal Hats


I have a theory. Many a time I have been minding my own business shopping for some socks or cinnamon or what have you and out of no where a baby starts screaming bloody murder. I react by cringing and angrily looking in the direction of the wails and hope the parents manage to find a way to quiet their child before I get a headache and my week is ruined. I believe we have all been in this situation.

Recently I have noticed something ingenious going on. Parents are putting hats with animal ears on their babies. This combination makes the baby overwhelmingly adorable and I cannot resist its charm. I'm pretty sure you've come to the conclusion that I do not have children of my own and you are correct. I honestly don't find babies that cute. However, if the baby just so happens to be wearing a cute animal hat, well then I find that baby adorable.

Here are a few examples I found online:

I feel like the baby in the bottom left should be named Jean Claude or something.

I've already bought seven animal hats in preparation for my future baby. You should to.

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