Thursday, August 8, 2013

Pet Name

How awkward would it be if you named your pet Charlie or Howard or something that's like a regular person name and then when you met a person with that name and you can't help yourself and the first thing you say after they introduce themselves is "oh hey, you have the same name as my dog." I think it would be awkward...

What would you even say to that? "Cool, I always wanted to share my name with your pet bunny. My life is complete. Now I can live the rest of my life knowing your pet will carry on the name after I die."

Just a thought.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Poem 15

Sadness overflowing
Spreading over me knowing
That I will bend and break and crack
My will too vulnerable
Full of regret and emptiness
A possibility ending
Never to be here again
But there’s no point to this madness
Need control
Mending strength
Tears wipe away
Be here another day

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Poem 14

Panda is soft and fluffy
She likes to lick her tummy
And she finds chicken yummy
She's short and fat and funny
She's bigger than a bunny

She licks my comforter every night
And has major issues with heights
With Tyrion she'll never fight
But batteries, hair bands and paper clips she'll bite
And sit on them 'til they are out of sight

Her fur is short and black
A left ear tip she does lack
She'll sneeze, and snort and hack
Petting results with a contented arched back
But pet her tummy and you may get a whack

And over all no matter what you say
Panda will always be awesome even today

Monday, April 15, 2013

Poem 13

There once was a turtle
His name was Fred
Whose life goal was to jump over a bed
Unfortunately his obsession led
To daydreaming, scheming and losing his head
But then one day he met an eagle
Who flew him to the home of Bob the paralegal
And with help from his new found friendship
Fred lept over the bed with a yip and skip

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Poem 12

Today I did nothing but sit on my butt
You'd think my imagination was in a rut
It pretty much was
But then a rainbow appeared
And then boomerangs, seesaws and a beard
It was pretty weird
I drew and I wrote and I knit a fine hat
Creativity bounded around like a cat
So some days it helps to relax and rewind
Because sitting on my behind
And watching tv
Can eventually
Make magic happen

Friday, April 12, 2013

Poem 11

Today I sit and think
Thoughts rush through me in a blink
Maybe they'll find the missing link
Between a banana and a sink

I like to wonder and ponder
Imagination overpower humiliation
Growing dreams flowing
To make awesome blossom

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Poem 10

Happy Wednsaday everyone
Maybe we should have some fun
Like perhaps in the sun
Or maybe partake in a bun
How about a crumb
But that is dumb
Let’s pretend we won
A truck load of gum
Or maybe just hang out with our mum

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Poem 9

There once was a flower in bloom
Only over grass did it loom
And then a ladybug came in sight
And gave the flower a fright
I’m sorry said the ladybug
Would you like a hug?
Unsure what this bug has plotted
The flower thought then nodded
From the hug happiness had begun
And each thought them the lucky one

Monday, April 8, 2013

Poem 8

I’m writing a poem today
Because I don’t want to eat hay
This will end the beginning of May
Let us eat biscuits and jam
But without a ham or yam
This will be my preference
I will now use a reference
Or not
My cat is super fluffy
But she’s also can be puffy
Pillow snuggles
Unwanted huggles
Dreams of eating mice

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Poem 7


*phobia haiku

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Poem 6

Today it was cold
But warmer than yesterday
I guess its okay

Friday, April 5, 2013

Poem 5


Poem 4

The view from my bed is dark and bleak
I don’t really have a desire to eat
From within I feel an insufferable heat
My headaches, runny nose and sore throat have me beat
Sadness and despair I’ve come to meet
Recovering has become a challenging feat
And now I shall rest and get some sleep

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Poem 3

I once had a bunny
He had a fluffy tummy
I named him Sunny
But not really
His name was Wibbles

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Poem 2

I’m not very deep
So I will lie in a heap
Of literature and reap
The benefits of osmosis.
Meep I’m a sheep.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Poem 1

There once was a unicorn
Who always tended to mourn
For those unfortunate souls born
Without a horn

His hornless friends were also sad
Such awesome they never had
They created a fake horn fad
Which quickly turned bad

Hospitalization from glue overdose
Accidental stabbings with bros
Leave the horn wearing to the pros

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Starting April 1st I will be submitting a daily poem :) Exciting and such!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Car Inspection Rap

Ok, it's February and my car needs to get inspected. Last year when this happened, I made a rap about it and now I will share it with you. Note: the numbers/ border is/are red.

Got my car inspected
No more gettin 'rested
2 1 3 represent
Now I'm in the red print 
Feelin like a balla
When the inspector say holla
Lights are off
Nothing's broken
Take this sticker as a token
Knowing that I'm blessed
Cuz I passed the test
I'm pimpin sexy bitch

The end.


I am currently attempting to write a book. It's only 10 pages in and now I have to completely revamp a huge chunk of it so let's see how long this project can hold my attention...

Anyway, in regards to my book, I was thinking of adding a part where the character is dreaming. Only problem is, dreams in books and movies are stupid and unrealistic. Everything has to relate to what's going on with the character and be like some sort of foreshadowing thingy. This is stupid. No one has dreams that actually foretell their future or reflect on their past.

My most recent dream? I was hanging out with Taylor Swift in a football field and then she left in a limo to go on a date and then I went to hang out with my friend at work which turned into a library and she shushed me because she didn't want someone to find her and then we ran like mad towards an elevator. The elevator proceeded to be filled by a large number of strangers and we all exceeded the weight limit and almost died but didn't and we ended up in a strange land of mud and grass where people were dancing around with flowers. I lost my friend at that point and ended up at a museum where some whales and other sea life were hanging out in an aquarium and some famous boy band was about to swim with them so my family and I decided to join them. When they saw my brother and I, they told us we were famous singers and they wanted to hear us sing but before we could, we turned into superheros and flew into space where we saved a spaceship from exploding.

So when I want my character to have a dream, it should be something legit where she turns into a dragon and eats a bunch of sheep and then floats into a land of bubbles where she hangs out with Michael Jordan and they eat toast and their hands turn into rubber.

That is all.

Orange and I

Friday, February 15, 2013


I have befriended an orange. At first it was just so I could use him to hone my single object juggling skills but it has become so much more than that. I've only known him for 30 minutes but it's been the best 30 minutes of my day so far. We don't talk about the orange that came before him... I was hungry and I thought it was a clementine. I didn't know...

Orange is so patient and he listens to every thing I say without interruption. He's settled in front of my keyboard between my arms as I type this.. this... notification? Announcement? I don't know what this is but I felt it needed to be said. We have done so much. I've rolled him around on my desk. I've thrown him up in the air and caught him. He even smells nice. I feel so protective of him. He will always be safe with me.

Thank you Orange. Thank you.