Friday, November 30, 2012

Baby Animal Hats


I have a theory. Many a time I have been minding my own business shopping for some socks or cinnamon or what have you and out of no where a baby starts screaming bloody murder. I react by cringing and angrily looking in the direction of the wails and hope the parents manage to find a way to quiet their child before I get a headache and my week is ruined. I believe we have all been in this situation.

Recently I have noticed something ingenious going on. Parents are putting hats with animal ears on their babies. This combination makes the baby overwhelmingly adorable and I cannot resist its charm. I'm pretty sure you've come to the conclusion that I do not have children of my own and you are correct. I honestly don't find babies that cute. However, if the baby just so happens to be wearing a cute animal hat, well then I find that baby adorable.

Here are a few examples I found online:

I feel like the baby in the bottom left should be named Jean Claude or something.

I've already bought seven animal hats in preparation for my future baby. You should to.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


A few months ago I had the most brilliant idea. I wanted to be the proud owner of the Meowseum. It would be a zoo but only with cats. Haven't you ever wondered what a purebred Maine Coon looked like? I've heard they're huge and it would be so cool to see one in real life. Oooh and Scottish Folds or Munchkins as well.

Anyway, I would buy a broken down motel or something and redo the whole inside and each cat would have their own room. I imagine each room would look like a nursery at the hospital where babies are kept, like on TV people can stand by a huge window and look inside. I'd also have a television stationed at each room and play the episode about each specific breed from Cats 101 on repeat. I'd try to get each purebred by informing breeders that I will recommend them to any people interested in their specific breed.

Yup. Oh and at the end there would be a room where cats from a local animal shelter are hanging out and people can play with them. I'd like to think of this part being like those cat cafes they have in Japan. I'd have helpers care for each of the purebreds and make sure they get a lot of love and attention.

I'm pretty sure that I would lose a ton of money if I even started trying to do this. I'd also have to have the zoo located where a bunch of tourists come. Lucky for me I live near DC but the rent would be ridiculous and I doubt I'd make enough to come up with a profit. Even so, it would be awesome.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Me, Nanowrimo and Homemade Movies

Ok, now that I have used the cuteness of my cat to get your attention I will now talk write about things that I've thought of, will think of, and so on. Recently I've gathered all sorts of brilliant plans for movies, occupations, novels, outfits, etc. This blog is my latest plan.

I'd like to blame my sudden interest in writing on Nanowrimo. No, I did not successfully write a 50,000 novel unlike my two friends, one a librarian and the other an English major. They were built for it. Me on the other hand, made it 14,000 words in before I mentally collapsed. What was I writing about you ask? Well my friends, I was writing a biography about myself. You'd think I could make it to the end when I know everything about the subject but by the time I got to high school, I was too bored to continue. I also dated a bunch of different guys in college and I wasn't looking forward to emotionally reliving every break up. It was hard enough writing about my friends growing up and realizing how much I missed all of them. I ended up Facebook stalking and crying and eating a lot of cookie dough and let's just say it wasn't pretty.

Anyway, back to stuff I've thought of. Yes, I have written movies that my friends and I have acted out. I made two during dead week in college (the week after finals and before graduation). They were called Scarf Ninja and Love Hexagon. Scarf Ninja was this superhero that saved a boy's teddy bear from an evil lady. I wore everything I had ever knit including a neon pink bra and had a sidekick named Needlesticks. Love Hexagon was a spoof on soap operas. Of course there was a secret love child and magic and comas. Later I made another movie called Fluffywumpkins that was like paranormal activity where a stuffed animal killed everyone. I have just completed another script for a movie about superheros. Once the holidays are over, my friends and I are going to work on filming. I'll write more on that and other stuff later.

Hope this was enjoyable or something.

Title Goes Here

Hi. Here's a picture of a cat.